
Sustainability and Transparency

Accepting responsibility

Our products are in most cases a choice not a necessity, and we acknowledge our responsibility to do the right thing where possible.

We do our best to be sustainable... we are at the beginning of our journey and recognise that we’re not perfect, but we’re heading in the right direction. We believe in taking responsibility... for our actions and words. This means not making over claims, and also how we treat our customers, as well as in our manufacturing and supply chain.

Our mission is to offer you top performance and design in active-wear clothing without compromising your ethics. At every stage of our design, sourcing, and production we pursue sustainable solutions with durability, longevity, style and functionality in mind. (or best practicable solutions). We have a responsibility to our planet and to future generations, we aim to do the right thing, so you can purchase a high-quality product without compromising your values.


Our Materials


The inner and outer fabric of the Sea Monster is 100% recycled polyester, made from recycled PET from drinks bottles, GRS (Global Recycling Standards) certified and 100% PCW (Post-Consumer Waste). 


Our zip tapes are 100% recycled polyester. The zip teeth are also recycled. This just leaves about 15% of the zip which we need to work on! We plan to move to 100% recycled zips soon.

T-Shirts & Hoodies

We use organic cotton material from India. Organic cotton is a more sustainable choice meaning organic farmers use more natural methods of production, not fossil-fuel-based fertilisers and less water. The printing is done in the UK, in a fully renewable energy facility.

Other Items

We use recycled cardboard (or paperbag for T-shirts) for transit packaging, and a recycled inner polythene bag. There are four drain eyelets per Sea Monster Coat. To date we continue to seek a recycled alternative. We will get there! 

Our Certification

Supply Chain

The Sea Monster is made in China by Everglory International Group Apparel Inc. Site is SMETA certified (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) conducted by SGS in areas of Labour Standards: Health and Safety; Environment; Business ethics and is ISO9001 compliant.
Our T-Shirts and clothing are made of organic cotton in India, in a high audit standard factory. 


In the Sea Monster we use GRS (Global Recycling Standards) certified and 100% PCW (Post-Consumer Waste) material. To ensure this, we source our material direct from the recycling mills, and do not use brokers or wholesalers.


Al our products are tested to evidence any claims we make for performance. For the Sea Monster, that means using SGS (a global leader in performance certification) to support the claims of waterproofing and breathability. If you require more information, just get in touch.

Our Service

Easy to deal with

Sustainability is about doing the right thing, and that extends to how we treat our customers, partners and suppliers. 
As a family owned business, we want customers to feel respected and dealt with positively and fairly. We want you to enjoy the whole transaction, whether you meet us at an event, through social media or via an online order.